"Fox News is not simply a mouthpiece for the Bush White House: it rose with Bush after 2000 and 9/11, was played on TVs in his White House and reflected the same surety and flag-lapel-pin confidence in its tone and star-spangled look. It was not just a hit; it was the network of the moment."
Can Fox "News" survive the changing times? Or has it jumped the shark, along with the rest of the right? It wouldn't be missed if it, as we know it, vanished. But I think it will do just fine. People are still stupid.
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And here's hard proof that people are still dumb as ever!
"The bill would allow teachers to "present scientific information relevant to the full range of views on biological and chemical origins." It might as well read "present the full range of lies and nonsense from the intelligent design movement." That is precisely what it means and everyone knows it. And as soon as that happens, we will file suit in court and prove, yet again, that all of this is just a rhetorical masquerade for science. Welcome to the Dover trap."
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File under "duh".
"The U.S. military's first and only study looking into ties between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and al Qaeda showed no connection between the two, according to a military report released by the Pentagon."
It's the oil stupid, or maybe it's just the stupid, stupid. Or the
stupidly stupid stupidity...
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Religion kills children, still...
"An Oregon City couple faces manslaughter charges in the death of their 15-month-old daughter after the state medical examiner concluded she could have been saved with simple antibiotics.
"Carl and Raylene Worthingon are members of the 'Followers of Christ Church' in Oregon City. It's a church with a long history of child deaths., a history that led lawmakers to eliminate legal protections for parents who practice to faith healing."
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"Bad programmers are not good programmers who are slow. They are actively counter-productive to the team."