Image via Wikipedia
"Most obviously, the government directly provides insurance via Medicare and other programs. Before Medicare was established, more than 40 percent of elderly Americans lacked any kind of health insurance. Today, Medicare — which is, by the way, one of those “single payer” systems conservatives love to demonize — covers everyone 65 and older. And surveys show that Medicare recipients are much more satisfied with their coverage than Americans with private insurance."
People are stupid. Not just a little, but deeply and profoundly stupid. It's just a simple fact the intelligence, in any sense of the word, is not required to live a normal adult live in America today. And this is why a profoundly broken health care system will not be fixed, and why America is already declining as a nation.
People are stupid.
There have been many difficult, politically charged debates. But its hard to think of when more outright lies have been shoveled down the throats of the unquestioning sheep as the current debate on health care reform. Oh wait, I can think of one. Republicans said exactly the same things about Medicare. Reagon called it socialism. Bob Dole boosted of voting against it. Same trash...