It provided the emails to the Department of Law in electronic form, hoping that office could use software it had recently obtained to review the emails electronically. This would cut out the long printing process. But, according to a January 28, 2009, memo from the Department of Law, the lawyers "found no way to convert the e-mail records from the format provided to the portable document format (pdf) necessary to use the new software, without opening each individual message to convert it." The memo also noted, "We were unable to batch-print the e-mail records in the format provided."
Once again, utter, raw, plain, unmitigated I/T incompetence among I/T professionals - this time very conveniently. Are they so stupid that they think there's no way to batch convert text files to PDF? Or are they so evil that they think everyone else is so stupid that they will believe here's no way to batch convert text files to PDF?
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Palin Email Foot-Dragging
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Ok so there's this:
Here's a couple other interesting stories.
To be fair it is probably the case that a name can be correlated with other info from other sources - but that true regardless of what Facebook does. All that is saying is that "I" can be correlated with "information about me" - information which I have voluntarily put "out there" for my own purposes, like for example, my name, which I use all the time.
I was floored when I heard what this latest story was really about - someone might find out a user's name. Wow. If you don't want anyone to know your name staying off Facebook is only the tip of the iceberg of what you'd need to do.
People are stupid.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Things like this ysed to make me laugh. But now it's just sad.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Image via Wikipedia
"The days when Americans valued education and technological development are gone. In America today, the value system is based on stupidity and superstition, and the right’s goal of shutting down the education system except for religious schools will ensure America remains stupid."
I couldn't have put it any better. The whole post is definitely worth a read.
The Terrible Truth Revealed at Last,18127/
"According to a poll released Tuesday, nearly 20 percent of U.S. citizens now believe Barack Obama is a cactus, the most Americans to identify the president as a water- retaining desert plant since he took office."
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"One year ago, when President Barack Obama gave his first back-to-school speech to the nation's schoolchildren, then-chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, Jim Greer, accused him of using "taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America's children to his socialist agenda."
"Now, Greer is facing fraud and money laundering charges and has been thrown under the bus by the state GOP, which has accused him of living the high life on party money. And so he's had a change of heart.
"In the year since I issued a prepared statement regarding President Obama speaking to the nation's schoolchildren, I have learned a great deal about the party I so deeply loved and served,'' Greer said in a written statement. "Unfortunately, I found that many within the GOP have racist views and I apologize to the President for my opposition to his speech last year and my efforts to placate the extremists who dominate our party today. My children and I look forward to the president's speech."
My gosh people are SOO dumb...
How in the world does someone like Blumenauer manage to get out of bed in the morning and carry on? These are really, really bad times in this country.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Of course it's completely obvious from this graph:
just how important it is that we preserve George W. Bush's tax rate structure.
It should also be obvious just how dumb Americans are to elect Republicans - unless of course you're in the upper 2% of incomes rates that benefit from Republican policies, in which case you're not dumb just self-serving.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
"I’ve wondered for years how so many people have been persuaded to vote again and again against their own economic self-interest. A revealing article by Jane Mayer in the August 30 issue of The New Yorker magazine helps explain it. Over the years billionaires like Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers have steadily funded operations designed to stoke populist anger against the government and progressive ideas. The Tea Party, far from being a spontaneous populist movement, has been underwritten with tens of millions of dollars and coordinated through a network of organizations with names like Americans for Prosperity, with the singular goal of creating an angry block of disaffected voters who will unwittingly vote for policies that benefit the very wealthy."
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tax Dumb People
Image by leeisaku via Flickr
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
MORE Bush, Ya That'll Help
Image via Wikipedia
"John Boehner on Tuesday called for the resignation of President Barack Obama's embattled economic team, including Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and White House economic adviser Larry Summers."
"Time to put grown-ups in charge"
This the same party that openly wants to continue the exact policies that got the economy in this mess in the first place. In fact, maybe he'd like to just put the same crew in charge again and just replay those eight years. How long could we go before the entire structure of society collapses? Except for the well armed, privately secured, walled communities people like John Boehner live in...
Monday, August 23, 2010
"America’s differently-abled freedumb fighters tend to have trouble spelling the dumb shit on their signs and banners, but this particular piece of visual evidence also calls into question their comprehension of the supposedly Hallowed Ground of the WTC site. Is it truly a “monument to terrorism”?"
Idiots are controlling the national agenda.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Is President Obama a Muslim?
Article VI of the U.S. Constitution:
"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States"
Enough said.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Think? No Thanks!
Image via Wikipedia
“You don’t need freedom of speech if you let Jesus think for you.”
Who Would Jesus Hate?
Image via WikipediaAmerica, a land established on values of individual and religious freedom, live and let live, right?
Wrong. America is a land of intolerent bigots that not only disrespect but hate and wish violence on those different from themselves.
"Gainesville officials denied a burn permit for a church that plans to burn copies of the Quran on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
. . .
"In an e-mail sent out Wednesday, the church said, "City of Gainesville denies burn permit – BUT WE WILL STILL BURN KORANS."
This "Christian" church doesn't even respect and recognize American law - their own local authorities, much less the Bill of Rights, or even the concept of private property.
This is why we have a Constitution with inalienable rights. Because the people do not respect, or even want, a free society. There is required a Constitutional framework, above the laws people enact, or would like to enact, to resist the people's ever present push toward theocratic dictatorship.
Instead of using 9/11 and a new community center in New York as an opportunity to highlight the freedoms America stands for, the people use it as an opportunity to show the pent up hate, fear and bigotry that is their true religion.
They will not change. They won't ever stop. In the end, the people will win and bring society into a new middle ages.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Breaking News!
Image via Wikipedia
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Bob Ingil On The Tea Bags
Image via Wikipedia
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Republican Party Today
Here's some southern politics for you....
It's old vs. new.
Here you have a classic old-school, corrupt, southern politician (is that redundant?) running against the "true conservative" insurgent tea-party-type; a woman in this case, endorsed by Sarah Palin no less, that is now desperately lying in attempts to cover up that she's a lesbian.
Really sad comedy.
Friday, June 11, 2010
This is America
Image via Wikipedia
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana
Image via Wikipedia
Interesting how concerned he is isn't? Meanwhile...
"In 2006, Jindal sponsored the Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act (H.R. 4761), a bill to eliminate the moratorium on offshore oil and gas drilling over the U.S. outer continental shelf. A poll taken while the bill was being debated, showed that 73% of the U.S. public supported the measure. Jindal argues that 30-40% of oil reserves of the United States are near the Louisiana coast and increased drilling would reduce American dependence on foreign oil.[109] This prompted the watchdog groups, Republicans for Environmental Protection as well as the nonpartisan League of Conservation Voters to rate him among the lowest in Congress in 2006."
"The House vote was a huge victory for Pombo, two Louisiana lawmakers — Republican Bobby Jindal and Democrat Charlie Melancon — and Rep. John Peterson, R-Pa., who spearheaded the drive to lift the moratorium."
Seeing Bobby Jindal in the news talking about this issue is one of the most disturbing things about the BP oil spill.
Bobby Jindal is the face of the contemporary Republican Party.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Image by wstera2 via Flickr
"Whatever the future of the Tea Party movement in American politics, it's a bad idea for so many participants to operate on the basis of false notions about the burden of federal taxation. It only takes a little bit of time to look at one's tax return to see what one is actually paying the Treasury, calculate the percentage of one's income that goes to taxes, and compare it with what was paid last year and the year before."
There's a big flaw in this argument - part of the strategy is to make sure no one knows enough arithmetic to actually do this. Seems to be working...
Image via Wikipedia
“Unless this trillion-dollar assault on our freedoms is repealed, it will force Americans to purchase Washington-approved health plans or face stiff penalties,” DeMint said in a release. “It will fund abortions, raise taxes and insurance premiums, while reducing health care choices and quality.”
He left out mandatory euthanasia, forced gay marriage, one-world currency, re-education camps for Republicans and occupation by UN troops (every single one of which has been threatened by members of Congress and/or Republican leadership at the nation level, seriously).
Friday, March 12, 2010
"Three decades later, she froze to death at age 75, a solitary figure living in a rented house four miles from the gleaming Statehouse dome."
It's hard to understand the arc of some lives, but it's easy to understand the insensitivity of society.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Image via Wikipedia
"US Government Working With Pharma Companies To Raise Drug Prices In Other Countries"
"Trooper Gary Dunick, who attended the scene, gasped: "If I wasn't there, I wouldn't have believed it. About 10 years ago I stopped a guy in the exact same spot ... who had three or four syringes sticking out of his arm. It was just surreal and I thought, 'Nothing will ever beat this.' Well, this takes it."
In case you're wondering just why Barnes was trimming her hedge, she explained that she was on her way to a rendezvous with her boyfriend and wanted to be "ready for the visit"."
But her husband was driving??
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
"A California state senator who reportedly has voted against every gay rights measure since he took office eight years ago was charged with driving under the influence on Wednesday, reportedly after leaving a gay nightclub in Sacramento."
What, another one?
"He was arrested after leaving Faces, a gay nightclub in midtown Sacramento, according to A male passenger, who was not identified as a lawmaker, was also in the car but was not detained, the TV station reported."
Republican Ideas
Image via Wikipedia
"Twenty years ago, Republicans hypothesized that cutting taxes and deregulating industry would spark an economic boom that would make up for lost tax revenue. It seemed plausible, and even moderate Democrats played along. We ran the experiment. Guess what? Cuts mean cuts. Republicans refused to make any hard choices about which programs they wanted to scrap, and instead were content to watch tax cuts lead to fiscal crises and ultimately to unplanned, indiscriminate cuts in services."
I was listening to the radio this morning when I heard a story about a local Republican that opposes a certain idea that was floated by the state's governor - the exact idea is not significant to my point. The speakers objection was that if the state needs to save money, which it does, then instead of the governor's idea, the state just needs to "cut unnecessary spending."
I thought, cut unnecessary spending! Why that's brilliant! Why didn't we think of that at any time over the past TEN YEARS as revenues declined. Why, it's so simple! Just cut unnecessary spending.
I picture a bureaucrat someplace in the capital running a finger down a list of line items until it comes to "Unnecessary Spending". All we have to do is zero that out. It's so obvious!
This morning I saw this story before coming to work:
Then when I get to work and see this:
I tell you, there is no future for this civilization. In 4 or 5 generations people will be living in mud huts and terrified of eclipses. For a thinking person, this is becoming a very strange and unknown land.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Image via Wikipedia
So again, at the end the writer asks:
"There was wall-to-wall media coverage last spring of Cheney's claims that these memos would show that torture worked. Will there be wall-to-wall media coverage of the fact that the memo was "plainly inaccurate" and that Cheney was, and is, full of shit?"
Over and over I read stuff like this, and over and over people are railing against the universe that Cheney can just SAY stuff, for example, and they are all "look over here, proof that his claim is bogus!" I just have to laugh! They don't get it! But Dick Cheney does get it, all too well.
"Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!"
Gun Control
Image via Wikipedia;-NRA-Still-Not-Happy
No matter what Obama ever said from the campaign on, the Idiot Nation still believes Obama will (somehow) take away their guns. Now the administration is having a real impact - you can now take a loaded gun onto public lands and into parks. Does the hard fact of this material change alter what idiots believe? No. It does not fit their made up world, therefore it is not happening.
People are stupid.
Friday, February 5, 2010
What I Can't Figure Out About Health Care
Image by seiuhealthcare775nw via Flickr
A. Your health care is tied to your employment.
B. If you get really sick, you won't be able to work.
C. If you can't work, you lose access to health care.
Why is that hard to understand?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Twitter for Dogs
Image via CrunchBase
Oh, so THAT's what Twitter is good for!
Ok, maybe it has senors you can install here and there that trigger a Twitter message when the dog goes by?
In fact it pretty much does nothing. Just like Twitter; utterly useless 140 characters at a time.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The End of the World
"Harold Camping lets out a hearty chuckle when he considers the people who believe the world will end in 2012.
"That date has not one stitch of biblical authority," Camping says from the Oakland office where he runs Family Radio, an evangelical station that reaches listeners around the world. "It's like a fairy tale."
The real date for the end of times, he says, is in 2011."
Wow, is that funny or just sad?
People have been talking about the end of the world, and predicting it, for as long as there have been people. I always wonder if people like this are disappointed when the world doesn't end.