Monday, November 5, 2007

Grey Networks

"We used to call them peer-to-peer applications, downloaded apps that connect direct to other users to exchange messages and/or data, but apparently the hip moniker of Instant Messaging, VoIP and filesharing applications, is "greynet" these days.

"All this grey activity is providing a great conduit for malware, and IT managers report spending an average of $289,000 on fixing greynet-transported security breaches, compared to $130,000 last year."

I've been talking about this sort of thing for years. Many companies are spending a great deal of money and effort on "rules" to stop this. But all a rule does is allow HR cover when someone needs to be fired for abuse or other irresponsible behavior. A rule won't stop someone working for another company in your building from getting on your crappy Windows network when an employee plugs in some $20 WiFi USB device so his cube-mates can listen to some music. Damn kids with their "rock and roll"...

No this too dangerous to goof around with having a rule. A rule won't make it not happen, and you need it not to happen. What to do? Easy. Install a secure office WiFi network, with internet access. Install it before someone else does.

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