Thursday, January 31, 2008

More Christian Maddness

See the video here:

"A spokesman for King told ThinkProgress that the congressman simply "thought it was important to honor Christmas" by introducing the bill. Yet today on Fox News, King went further, decrying an "assault on Christmas" from "secularists" who want to "eradicate Christ from Christmas." Ignoring the Constitution, King claimed America is really a "Christian nation":

"I recognized that we're a Christian nation founded on Christian principles, and we're coming up to Christmastime. ... It's time we stood up and said so, and said to the rest of America, Be who you are and be confident. And let's worship Christ and let's celebrate Christmas for the right reasons."

I fear that there is enough flexibility in the US Constitution for these lunatics to get their way in large measure, if they can manage to complete the stacking of the US Supreme Court.

"King isn't alone. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee both have declared that America is a Christian nation."

Electing representatives that understand and respect the Constitution is as important as it's ever been. Yet, sadly, this criteria is also more widely ignored than it has ever been. America's grand experiment in freedom (and yes as a matter of fact that DOES mean freedom from
religion), is probably doomed in the long run. Freedom is not in human nature. The general public will never stop fighting for totalitarianism.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
