Thursday, May 8, 2008


"GOODMAN: If you support the practice of putting ex-military men, generals, on the payroll to share their opinion during a time of war, would you also support putting peace activists on the payroll to give a different opinion in times of war, to be sitting there with the military generals, talking about why they feel that war is not appropriate?

"SESNO: We bring the generals in because of their expertise in a particular area. We call them analysts. We don.t bring them in as advocates.

It's clear: War experts are neutral analysts; peace experts are advocates. Even when the Pentagon helps select and prep the network's military analysts. Shortly after the Iraq invasion, CNN's news chief Eason Jordan acknowledged on-air that he.d run the names of potential analysts by the Pentagon: 'We got a big thumbs-up on all of them. That was important.'"

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