Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Back in the day, they used to get this John Yoo guy on the News Hour a lot on subjects relating to the Justice Department. The things he said, I found, shocking and offensive. And scary. Listening to a man like Yoo, it's easy to understand how governments, any government, slip into totalitarianism. I glad to see him disgraced, but there's more where he came from. And the Bushs, Cheneys, Rumsfields and Ashcrofts of the world will always find a job for people like Yoo.

Now more is coming out. The verbiage is shocking, even for people like me that think they saw through what was happening, and what some people (in power, and empowered to vote) still believe and actively work for. Ordinary people always have, and will continue to, work to turn their country toward dictatorship in the name of morality, their "way of life" and in the face of declared "emergency."

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