Thursday, August 16, 2007

License to Boat

An email sent to me recently...

Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 08:35:44 -0700 (PDT)

I was reading a regional boating publication yesterday and came across a two page rant from some guy that is sick and tired of being stopped mutiple times by multiple agencies almost every time he takes his boat out. He started logging when it happened and a DEP (department of environmental protection) cop asked him what he was writing. The scene just got ugly from there. He's been stopped by county sheriff departments, state police, DEP, Coast Guard, Homeland Security, etc. etc. etc.

He was having lunch while anchored one day and when he went to pull his anchor a sheriff's boat came screaming over with full lights and everything and DEMANDED to know what he was doing EXACTLY. Uhh, pulling up my anchor. Apparently that's on the list of suspicious activities or something.

I hate what this country is becoming.

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