Monday, September 17, 2007

People are Stupid

America is doomed. There is no doubt about that what so ever.

one in four adults in the U.S. say they haven't read a book in the last year. Some interesting correlates:

* Democrats and liberals read more than Republicans and conservatives. The president of the American Association of Publishers says this is because "The Karl Roves of the world have built a generation that just wants a couple slogans. It's pretty hard to write a book saying, 'No new taxes, no new taxes, no new taxes' on every page."
* Nonreligious people read more than the religious. Those who said they never attend religious services read nearly twice as much as those who attend frequently. However, the Bible and other religious works were the most-read books.
* Women, Southerners read more. The median number of books read for women was nine, compared to five for men. People from the South read more than people in other regions, mostly religious books and romance novels.

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