Groklaw has posted an excellent piece on the myths about open source software (Free/Libre/Open-Source Software or FLOSS). If you're a technology worker, show this to your boss. If you're a boss, read it and take it to heart, because if you don't, your competitor will, and your lunch will be eaten. The world has changed. Those that do not understand this, are already falling far behind without realizing it.
Here's the myths. Read the piece itself for a clear and level-headed discussion of each.
Myth #1: It's a Linux-vs-Windows thing.
Myth #2: FLOSS is not reliable or supported.
Myth #3: Big companies don't use Open Source software.
Myth #4: Open Source software is hostile to intellectual property.
Myth #5: Open source software is all about licenses.
Myth #6: If I give away my software to the Open Source community, thousands of developers will suddenly start working for me for nothing.
Myth #7: Open source software only matters to programmers, since most users never look under the hood anyway.
Myth #8: There is no money to be made on Free Software.
Myth #9: The Open Source movement isn't sustainable, since people will stop developing free software once they see others making lots of money from their efforts.
Myth #10: Open Source is playing catch-up to Microsoft and the commercial world.
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