Monday, October 8, 2007

Hello Kitty Tires?

"Thrifty Sarah Michelle Gellar has quietly become the queen of the green celebrities by recycling shopping bags and cycling to work. But the former Buffy The Vampire Slayer star admits it has more to do with saving cash that being environmentally conscious. She tells Self magazine, "I take my reusable bag to Whole Foods so I get a discount. I go to Bloomingdale's on double rewards day. And I always print my dry cleaning coupons before I go. My dry cleaner laughs. He's like, 'You don't have to keep printing them out!'" But it's her bright pink bicycle which earns her frowns from friends and neighbors now she lives in New York. She adds, "Not only is it bright pink with the bell and streamers and the whole thing, but it has Hello Kitty tires. Every time I leave my apartment, my doorman just shakes his head."

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