Thursday, October 18, 2007


"With this update, the company now claims that - on the whole - its core search engine is better than Yahoo!'s and on par with Google's.

""In 2005, when we started, we were way behind," said Satya Nadella, corporate vice president for Microsoft's search and advertising platform group. "But after this release, we feel that our slope of innovation is so good that we can claim that we're as good as Google."

"Feel free to chuckle."

Indeed. Microsoft has become nearly irrelevant, and they continue to pour resources into rolling out things that have already been done. Every time we turn around it seems, Microsoft is announcing its version of something that has already been created and, frequently, already peaked. Nice "innovation" Microsoft... They always blow it too. They are so tied to the idea of platform lock-in that they are consistently unable to create a meaningful product.

And it's a 20 year old platform at that - the dedicated desktop PC and all-compiled-in O/S that locks in everything including the kitchen sink. The design is a recipe for exactly what's happened - viruses and crashing software.

When will Microsoft stop holding back technologically progress? No time time soon apparently.

Google (symbol GOOG) shares are approaching 700. It's quarterly earnings are reported today and are expected to be outstanding.

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