Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Working Dead

"The young guy in the other cubicle next to me spent my first day voicing complaints about my squeaky chair. He switched it for a different one the first chance he got. I think he spent every day after that looking at porn.

"His behavior was not unique. My job involved fixing computer problems wherever they turned up, so I spent a lot of time walking around the facility. It was common for me to pass a series of cubicles and see something like: Solitaire. Solitaire. Solitaire. Porn. Solitaire. Solitaire. Solitaire. Porn."

This is the American way. It's not so much that"kids today" have no sense of (the myth of) getting ahead by hard work. People have been saying that about "kids today" since Og learned to make make a better stone tool than his father and as a result had more free time on the weekend for hobbies around the cave.

What's wrong with this picture is a culture of lazy habits. It's really the fact of how easy it is not to think for ones self. Why are there record foreclosures for example? Because so many people felt that they did not need to put forth the effort understand their mortgages. Just coast along...

Oh well, people are stupid. What can be done...

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