Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The End is Near

Ryugyong Hotel in PyongyangImage by IsaacMao via Flickr Yes, the end is near.

The poor state of technology in the US today is impacting the economy as a whole. Here's what we see today as the norm; companies, who also sell shares, paying people that don't know what they're doing to make up stuff, that can not function; complete and utter fiction. And then other companies paying money for the stuff, and then people being paid to operate an organization with the tools, which do not function. This "customer" in turn is out to create some good or service out in the real world, which it will then do extremely poorly.

We have a whole, giant, self-feeding economy built on fraud, with Windows smack in the center, with money pouring in at one end, and with outputs that impact the real world. Obviously this fake economy can't keep functioning indefinitely.

Personally, I think it's already collapsing, and it is already impacting society, our quality of life, our safety, our GDP and our future. It's no joke, it's a large part of why America is failing as a civilization and becoming an economic and social backwater, rather quickly. You just can't have a whole economy where people pretend to do their jobs forever. It can't last.

Get what you can out of the tech industry while you can. It's a house of cards that won't be here in 20 years.

I heard a report last week that the only vehicles on the roads in northern N. Korea or old trucks that have been converted to steam and burn wood. The economy has been reduced an individual level where people depend on their own person ingenuity to survive. The reporter called it an "ex-industrial society", where people live in old cement structures they could no long build, wear "modern" clothes, but depend on gathering wild plants in the countryside for a critical potion of their diet.

Luckily for use most of the plant in the Northwest can be eaten, because with Microsoft in our backyard, we'll be the first to go.

The other day a group of us were standing around talking at work, or rather people were talking and I was listening. Someone said something about getting some documentation together for the install process of a new package we're working on. One person said, more than once, "documentation? what's that?"
Ha ha ha...

This line of conversation persisted with similar remarks about the requirements and testing processes that had not occurred. Ha ha, isn't that just f*kin' hi-larious?!

This is an office on 11 people, if you count *everyone*. These people are talking about *themselves*, and things over which they have *total* control, as though they are talking about someone else. They are talking about their own personal failure to do the jobs they're being paid to do, just as though they were talking about someone else, or something they had no control over.

They're saying "Well I'd like to do a good job, but I don't because I'm complete incompetent! HaHa! Isn't that funny?"

I just DO NOT get that...

People will sit there rebooting their PCs and installing service packs, right up until the power grid goes dark.

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