Monday, September 29, 2008

family treeImage by confusedvision via Flickr

"When Sarah Palin started babbling to Katie Couric about the "good guys" and "bad guys" in the Middle East, I had one immediate terrifying thought — she has the exact same worldview as my 7 year-old son, Sasha. He too in his childish mind, sees the world starkly divided into the two camps.

"He also believes in superheroes with superpowers and monsters under the bed at night.


"Now there is one way that my 7 year-old does have an edge on Sarah Palin. He knows for a fact that dinosaurs walked the earth millions of years ago. He also knows that human beings were not around at the same time.

"But then my son isn't a creationist like our potential Vice President."

This election has me depressed. Yes, Obama is doing well, particularly when the electoral count is gauged, but that's not the point. The point is that the McCain campaign is embarrassing. How are people able to take these people seriously? There is not even an issue-based debate going on. If you can find a McCain supporter, you'll find them completely misinformed. If half of what they thought was true were indeed the case, I'd be a McCain supporter too. But their belief, and more stunningly, much of what McCain's been saying (on taxes and health care for example) don't even pass the laugh test.

The other day I was telling someone how I just can't understand what is happening to this country. He said the reason was simple, the median IQ is 100. It other words, it's not our imaginations that people are stupid, they really and truly are in fact deeply and shockingly stupid. And they deserve what they get.
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