Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Image via Wikipedia All my saving will likely hit 20% down today over about a year. That's 20% net lower, even taking into account what I've added in over the past year, plus a couple months.

Republican economic polices have all but destroyed this country. It could take decades to recover.

It really is quite something.

And the idea that McCain can actually plainly and openly say that he wants to continue these policies, tax polices just for one, and people cheer? That is utterly baffling. It goes way beyond just saying that people are stupid. It's self-distructive madness.

It was one thing when G.W. talked about trickle down economics, and it could be pointed out that we tried that already during the Reagon years... That was a whole generation of voters before - a long time in politics. This is different. We are living, right now, with the results of current economic policies. No one is even doing the usual - blaming the last guy (Clinton in this case), because it's so plain that you can't. The Republicans have had total control for most of 8 years and have gotten it all just the way they wanted it. And we see the result. And yet, the major candidate still says we should continue down the current path.

How is this possible?

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